Quickly access the guide here - Notification of Appointment form

When to use this form:

This form should be used when you need to confirm that you have:

  • Agreed a start date with a successful external candidate (following the completion of all pre-employment checks as confirmed by the Business Support team)
  • appointed to an agency assignment/appointed a contractor where access to BW will be required in order to undertake the requirements of the role (see guidance on IR35: Responsibilities for Managers - From 6th April 2021 Important Changes to Off-Payroll Working Rules (IR35) (sharepoint.com)
  • appointed someone internally to a new role (following the completion of all pre-employment checks)
  • appointed someone to a secondment (following the completion of all pre-employment checks)
  • appointed someone to act up
  • appointed a redeployee


Please be aware that only the line manager held on Business World will be able to notify any changes via this form.

Please remember to use the Tab key to move between fields on the form as you complete them. The forms adjust depending on the selections you make, and using Tab ensures the form updates to provide you with only the fields you need to complete.

If you are entering a position number or a resource ID number, the form will also automatically complete the information already held in BW.

If you have a form rejected back to you for adjustments, please ensure that you use the Tab key to move out of the amended field to ensure the rest of the information is retained on the form.

On submission, forms are automatically given a unique reference number. Please ensure that you:

  • take a note of this as you will need this when completing the final offer details  
  • compete a new blank form each time. 
  • only amend completed forms if they have been returned to you via your task management list.


Key details that should be included:

Provisional start date

This field should contain the actual start date that has been agreed with the individual following the completion of all pre-employment checks – this will then be used in their contract of employment.

For agency workers/contractors this should be the start date agreed for the commencement of the assignment.

Work schedules 

Work schedules are essential to a number of BW processes. The system uses this information to both deduct the correct number of hours for each working day from annual leave balances, to deduct the correct number of hours during a period of sickness absence, and to ensure that pay is calculated correctly. It is therefore essential that you input the correct work schedule for the individual.  

Ensure the work schedule is completed for all appointments even relief/casual as this is mandatory. 0.00 can be entered each day for staff on 0 hours. 

Guidance on how a work schedule should be documented can be found here: Work Schedules and Contracted Hours Guidance (sharepoint.com)


This form should be completed at the end of the trial period once this has been confirmed as successful for the new contract to be issued. If pay protection will apply, this needs to be included in the ‘Further Information’ section of the form.


Where an individual is being seconded into a position, the receiving Manager must complete a notification of appointment form to set up this role.

The Manager must ensure that detail is provided in the ‘further information’ box specifying the substantive post which will not be worked during the course of the Secondment. Any forms received without this information will be rejected back to you, which will delay the form being processed and could consequently impact on the individual’s pay.

HR Admin will put a reversion line into the substantive post from the date after the Secondment is due to come to an end. Nevertheless, it is important that the Manager submits a leaver form confirming the Secondment has legitimately ended.


All allowances that should be applied from the agreed start date should be added to this form. Attraction and Retention allowances that have been offered as part of the recruitment process need to be included on the form. This will ensure that this is appropriately referenced in the contract of employment.  

Please ensure that you select the correct allowance, noting that:


    allowances are pensionable if they have no brackets after the description in the system 

    allowances are non-pensionable if it states this in brackets after the description, or as part of the title 

    to add a pensionable Attraction and Retention allowance, select Retention Incentive


The full allowance list can be accessed by clicking the ‘More’ option in the bottom left of the drop down list that appears.

If you subsequently identify additional allowances that should be applied, a separate Salary and Allowance form should be submitted.


Further information


If there will be an overlap/hand over period between the current postholder and your new starter, and the role does not have line management responsibilities, both individuals can sit in the same position. Please note this in the Further Information section to ensure both are attached to the same position. 


If this position has line management responsibilities, a second position will need to be created via a Position and Recruitment Form, and will need to be factored into your overall timeline. This additional position can then be deleted once it is no longer needed.


Continuous Service Date

Where an individual is joining LCC with continuous service from any public authority to which the Redundancy Modification Order [Local Government] 1983 [as amended] applies, please ensure this date is completed to enable entitlements to be set up correctly to recognise this.

Appointing one point below, and spot salaries

Under the Current Position Details Section the grade for the position will be shown.   

Under the Appointment Details Section you will need to select the grade below and the SCP one point below the maximum point of that grade.

In the ‘Further Information’ box please insert details to confirm that the appointment is in accordance with the Appointing One Point Below Policy and therefore should remain on the SCP listed until otherwise informed. 

Where a spot salary has been agreed, you will be able to select the appropriate grade for example G2.1. If salaries are fixed on the basis of the achievement of a qualification, for example, please follow the process for appointing one point below as noted above.

Other considerations

If you are appointing an individual to a new position, you should have already considered whether this position will have any additional financial responsibilities within BW, such as a role of requisitioner, Spend Manager, Budget Manager, or working within the Financial Services or Pensions Teams, when you established this role. Requests for this should be in line with the Scheme of Authorisation and that the appropriate role has been requested based on the tasks they will need to complete, for example an individual cannot be both a Spend Manager and a Requisitioner.

If you have not already requested this via the Position and Recruitment form, please ensure that this captured on the ‘Further Information’ section of the Notification of Appointment form, and ensure your usual Finance contact made aware of this requirement.

If you are appointing into an existing position, the current financial role for that position will be applied from their start date. If this should not be the case, please detail as above, and ensure your usual Finance contact is aware of this requirement.

If this is a new position, or the current reports will continue to report to their current line manager in the manager’s new role, a bulk changes spreadsheet will need to be completed and sent through to Bulk_People_Changes@lincolnshire.gov.uk   in order for the positions to be realigned.

Guidance on requesting bulk changes can be found here: Making bulk changes : . (freshservice.com)

Deadlines and approval process

This form can only be submitted by the line manager held in BW for that employee and it will then workflow through to the following:   

  • HR Admin – to verify all information required has been completed
  • HR Admin/Payroll – to make the changes on BW


Please ensure you allow time for the form to be approved or rejected back to you for adjustments to be made and to ensure it is re-submitted in time to meet payroll deadlines.

There is no automatic approval after a set period – forms will remain at that workflow stage until action is taken. Please note that the form cannot be accessed by HR Admin/Payroll for processing until all of the previous steps in the workflow are complete.

Guidance on payroll deadlines can be found here: Starters, Changes and Leavers - HR Admin & Payroll Deadlines (sharepoint.com)


Where a new employee to the Council is due to start in post between/on/or after the 15th and the end of a month, their first pay date will be the 23rd of the following month.

Forms that arrive via a completed workflow after the payroll deadline will not be processed until this following month, which can result in under and overpayments, and impact on employees. Please ensure you begin the process with sufficient time for all approval stages to be completed.

Requests for advance payments and overpayments are all monitored to help improve performance and can be mitigated by ensuring all changes are submitted to HR Admin ahead of payroll deadlines.  

Don’t forget that completing the BW tasks is only part of the process of preparing for a new team member. A key part of this is setting up their IT systems access, including their email address and access requirements for BW.

Please ensure you complete the Create New User Account form at the same time as your Notification of Appointment form for those joining LCC. You will be required to enter the email address provided by IT into BW to enable your new starter to access the system

Further guidance on this, and the other tasks you will need to complete to make this a smooth process can be found here: Step-by-Step Guide ONBOARDING (sharepoint.com)