This directory will help you to find which activities are available within workflow (next actions, requests, notifications, optional forms and letters). It gives some useful information about each activity, including what it is, where it can be found and who it can be assigned to.
You should refer to the workflow maps and user guides for additional information.
To search for information within each page, you can use the filter arrows at the top of each column:
• select the arrow at the top of the column you want to search
• untick the '(Select All)' option
• either tick the option you are looking for, or type a word from your preferred option
You are advised to not search for the word 'Adult' because it precedes most activities listed.
Please Note The activities listed in this directory are regularly reviewed and amended. The information within this directory is accurate at the time of publication and is frequently updated to include these amendments. Always refer to the electronic version so you are assured of receiving the most up to date information.