A way to search for and zoom to addresses in QGIS is to use the "OS search for addresses" plugin. The plugin links to a OS account, and queries the most up to date address information. You can search by the address and/or postcode to find locations in QGIS.
To install. Go to plugins > Manage and Install Plugins. Select "All" on the left of the dialogue and search for "OS search for addresses" . Click on install.
Once it has installed you will see this icon on the ribbon.
Click on it. You need to give it an API key to link it with LCCs' account. Use jiwEv6rbA8MG3IihrlGfBy89Xn0IawVY
Click save key.
You will now be able to search for addresses with the plugin (if the key is not shown click 'load' and it will reload the key for you).